Sharine O'Neill


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*** Release 2011 --------------- White Roses ------------- for the people of Japans Disaster 2011 *** *** Release 2011 --------------- White Roses ------------- for the people of Japans Disaster 2011 *** *** Release 2011 --------------- White Roses ------------- for the people of Japans Disaster 2011 ***

*** Release 2010 --------------- Chrismas, Christmas ------------- a new Christmas Carol *** *** Release 2010 --------------- Chrismas, Christmas ------------- a new Christmas Carol *** *** Release 2010 --------------- Chrismas, Christmas ------------- a new Christmas Carol *** *** Release 2010 --------------- Chrismas, Christmas ------------- a new Christmas Carol *** *** Release 2010 --------------- Chrismas, Christmas ------------- a new Christmas Carol ***

*** Video Release 2009 *** *** Song Release 1999 ------- Yugoslavia Burns ------- A Charity Song for the refugees of the Balkan war - featuring, Ekki Breuss on guitar, Did Ebster on guitar, "Stachl" on drums and "Stutz" on Bass *** Video Release 2009 *** *** Song Release 1999 ------- Yugoslavia Burns ------- A Charity Song for the refugees of the Balkan war - featuring, Ekki Breuss on guitar, Did Ebster on guitar, "Stachl" on drums and "Stutz" on Bass

*** Video Release 2009 *** *** Song Release 1999 ------- Paradise on Sandy Land ------- an ode of Fraser Island /Qld/ Australia

--- A very rare one from long ago singing in "The Goldrush Country Band" ---- --- A very rare one from long ago singing in "The Goldrush Country Band" ---- --- A very rare one from long ago singing in "The Goldrush Country Band" ----

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