Sharine O'Neill - Official Music Site


got to buy link on dealshaker

You can order my latest CD here on Dealshaker

got to buy link on dealshaker

*** NEW: Releases of OneCoin songs "ONE FOR ALL" and "THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW" on 7th of November 2018 *** *** NEW: Releases of OneCoin songs "ONE FOR ALL" and "THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW" on 7th of November 2018 *** *** NEW: Releases of OneCoin songs "ONE FOR ALL" and "THE FUTURE IS HERE NOW" on 7th of November 2018 ***

One For All - Track information
The Future Is Here Now - Track information

to my latest songs
to my lates videos

latest video releases

"Red Dust in my eyes" & "Red Hot Land (My Hymn Of Asutralia)"

Waching/Goniemah Walloomeyenwalloo NO1 Hit on
Waching/Goniemah Walloomeyenwalloo NO1 Hit on

Link to "Boom Boom Boom" on Amazon
Link to "Boom Boom Boom" on Amazon

Official Sharine O'Neill Fanclub Germany

Sharine´s Youtube Channel
follow and like Sharine O'Neill on Faceboob

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Link to akm
Link to Aume

Link to LSG



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